Apart from the legal deposit, it is a common custom to send a (free) courtesy copy to some famous libraries. I wanted to send one of my A Grammatical Pandect of Written Tagalog to the British school of Asian and African studies : SOAS, Thornhaugh Street / Russell Square, London, WC1H 0XG, UK. I couldn't complete the order because the Lulu formula requires a name. I have placed a ticket about this problem, which did not exist previously. (The SOAS library has several of my publications I sent them in the past: library.soas.ac.uk/Search/Results?lookfor=POTET%2C+Jean-Paul&type=Author&filter%5B%5D=-collection%3A%22SOAS+Archive%22#Collection )
Richard of Lulu, contacted me and advised me to write the name of the school both in the forename and name boxes. It worked. I am very happy with the quick response.
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